Lightways staff

Lightways Care Services

Hospice and Serious Illness Care Services for adults and children.

Hospice & Serious Illness Care Services Joliet, Illinois

Hospice Care

Lightways Hospice care provides physical, emotional and spiritual support for patients with a terminal illness.

Hospice Care

Childs hand in caregivers hand
Pediatric Care

Lightways Pediatric Care Team is here to help enhance the quality of life for your child and family.

Pediatric Care
Pediatric Palliative Care
Pediatric Hospice Care

Serious Illness Care

Lightways helps people with advanced, chronic or life-limiting illnesses with clear-headed, practical and kind counsel to patients and family.

Serious Illness Care
ALS Specialty Care
Cardiac Care

24-hour Nursing Care

For patients who require 24-hour nursing care to control pain and symptoms, our Joliet Inpatient Unit is designed to optimize comfort for both the patient and family.

Hospice Inpatient Unit

Our newly-renovated and expanded Inpatient Unit, located in Joliet, provides care to hospice patients who are unable to comfortably manage their pain or symptoms at home in large patient suites with exterior room access, family friendly public spaces and serene exterior grounds.

Learn More.

Lightways Joliet inpatient care facility exterior pond