Coffee Hour for Veterans
Shepherd of the Hill 925 E. 9th Street, Lockport, IllinoisBuild camaraderie and share your experiences at our Veteran Coffee Hour, open to all local veterans.
Build camaraderie and share your experiences at our Veteran Coffee Hour, open to all local veterans.
Join bestselling author Kelly Corrigan, along with Lightways’ own Patrice Martin and Laura Supanavongs, on February 26th for an insightful discussion on caregiving, life transitions, and community support. Be sure to register today for this special event featuring powerful storytelling and a live Q&A.
Lucky and Charmed Curbside Dinner includes corned beef, colcannon potatoes, cabbage augratin, carrots, dinner roll and a sweet treat for $22 each. All orders must be in by March 3. All proceeds benefit the Lightways Hospice Guild.
To commemorate the sacrifices of Vietnam Veterans, we invite you to a special luncheon in recognition of Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.
Join us for our annual event to honor those we have lost during a special illumination event.
Join us to honor your mother, or someone who has been like a mother to you, and the difference she has made in your life. All ages welcome! This event is offered at no cost.
Join the Hospice Guild for an afternoon of cards, bunco or mah-jongg. Games are NOT provided. A boxed lunch is included and you can take a chance on raffle baskets.
Families are encouraged to come together to remember deceased Veterans in a special ceremony which includes readings, music and remembering the deceased by name. Lunch is included. No charge for […]
It will be a Thing-tastic time! Unleash your inner Seuss to honor and remember our loved ones while supporting the Pediatric Care Program of Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care. […]