The late Shorewood resident and former Will Co. coroner led way for the first in-patient hospice in Illinois

CEO Mary Kay Sheehan speaks at Drive dedication for former CEO

On Tuesday, Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care in Joliet dedicated its drive to former CEO Duane Krieger of Shorewood on what would have been his 88th birthday. Krieger died earlier this year.

The day was partly cloudy with occasional drizzles – until the moment the sign proclaiming Honorary Duane Krieger Drive was unveiled.

Read the full article at Shaw Media

Caesars Foundation Grant SCS

The Caesars Foundation awarded Joliet Area Community Hospice (JACH) with a $10,000 grant towards the agency’s current Remembering from the Heart Campaign for the Hospice Home for the addition and renovation of the hospice home inpatient unit.

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