
Mary Kay Sheehan

Mary Sheehan has been the CEO of Lightways since December of 2015. Mary has 32 years of experience in the hospice and palliative care industry in a variety of clinical, administrative, and consulting roles. With 18 years as an executive, she has broad knowledge regarding the clinical, financial, and operational aspects of both hospice and palliative care.

Mary has a master’s degree in oncology nursing from Loyola University and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. In the last 20 years, Mary has spoken regionally and nationally on end-of-life care. She has also served on many state and national committees and boards. She is currently serving as Chair of the Illinois Hospice & Palliative Care Organization’s Board of Directors, is a member of Joliet Rotary Club’s Board of Directors, and is Vice Chair of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization’s Legislative Committee.

Mary has been married for over 30 years to her husband John and they have two adult sons. Many weekends, John and Mary do ballroom dancing and compete with other amateurs.

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